101 Erotic Nights: The Sheherazade Diaries

By The Secret Diarists

“… Like Sheherazade, I was fighting to change what struck me as a very bleak future and what follows is the uncensored and unabridged account of how I met that challenge. Was I successful? Well, you’ll just have to read on to find out….”

The Secret Diarists are an anonymous group who have never met and perhaps never will.

They came together online and were inspired by one writer’s idea to create a collaborative work called The Sheherazade Diaries. Loosely based on the concept of 1001 Arabian Nights, their diverse talents were challenged to create a book of romantic, erotic stories linked by a narrative thread.

The result is Beth’s story.

Frustrated that the spark has gone out of her marriage and desperate to feel that connection again, Beth Rogers has a plan: to seduce her husband Miles all over again.

Throughout their new bedtime adventures, Beth keeps a diary. Soon this diary becomes more than just a collection of erotica to arouse Miles in the bedroom, it helps Beth realize she wants more from this marriage than perhaps he can give her…

A tantalising reimagining of 1001 Arabian Nights for the 50 Shades generation!

Format: ebook
Release Date: 02 Apr 2015
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-814006-9
The Secret Diarists are an anonymous group who have never met and perhaps never will. They came together online and were inspired by one writer\'s idea to create a collaborative work called The Scheherazade Diaries. Loosely based on the concept of 1001 Arabian Nights, their diverse talents were challenged to create a book of romantic, erotic stories linked by a narrative thread. The aim was to produce sexy, quality writing which would entertain and entice, with the added benefit of anonymity causing no restraint. Inevitably, by the very nature of its uniqueness, the project stumbled and faltered and some members were lost along the way, but the final seven who stayed the course worked hard to embellish, nurture, prune and hack to achieve their goal. With a willing audience, they hope to continue the adventure of anonymous storytelling and they dedicate the work to the inspiration, perspiration and tears of all writers and those who encourage and support them.